Monday, June 8, 2015

Vocabulary Alignment

Vocabulary Alignment
This is one of the first challenges that enterprise search projects are enfretan; and that is when you are looking for something, the way you know it is one and the way this is another documented.It has not occurred to you that you want to know more about a particular topic such as:
documents required for travel outside the country.
And all the information in the related documentation do not mention what you are looking for. really what you're after:
how to get a passport.
These are the kind of problems that are often complex to solve in enterprise search.
One of the most effective ways I've found to solve the problem of alignment is to make use of the records by clicking Log Analytics, and is taken apart by the use of Javascript which results in clicks and consultations in specific, thus the alignment process starts vocabulary.
This process can be performed with multiple software components but may incorporate tod in a single package, can significantly reduce their work, in my experience a simple way to do this is to make use of the signals if you are working with Solr, but products other manufacturers this option is not available then can use Piwik where you can find that consultations were those that gave users click and thus able to incorporate the synonyms in your search engine.

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